COvid 19
Update -
25/05/2020 - We are finally allowed to train clients outside one to one with clients only.
Look out for smaller group training to come next.
Read the latest advice concerning personal training here
23/3/2020 - 8.30pm
Due to the latest advice from the government, we are on a full scale lockdown. As a sole trader this is going to be difficult times a head so as another option to the business we are looking to offer live remote personal training sessions. Please enquire if interested.
With coronavirus (COVID-19) becoming a growing concern we wanted to keep you in the loop of steps we are taking here at Metabolic Fitness. We are continuously monitoring developments and are following the advice and guidance of Public Health England.
Clients that train within the semi-private studios, the studios are recommending that equipment is cleaned after they are used by clients, wiping down cardio equipment, weights and mats, spraying with antibacterial spray to help reduce the spread of the virus.
The studio spaces are large enough to keep a safe social distance between trainers and clients and are well ventilated throughout sessions.
We encourage clients to wear gloves where necessary and bringing their own towel to cover any benches or mats they use. Do try not to touch your face and wash your hands thoroughly as soon as you arrive home.
For those that feel well and would like to train, we do provide outdoor personal training and following the advice from Public Health England, we are keeping a safe social distance during the one to one personal training sessions. Sessions can be delivered in the park, wearing gloves and bringing your own mat/towel is recommended.
Any clients that feel unwell in any way should self isolate for 7 days per the advice from the government and any clients that have come into contact with someone with the symptoms of the virus should isolate for 14 days.
We will keep an eye on the daily recommendations from Public Health England and update you of any changes...
As the business delivers one to one sessions, we are looking at other ways of helping clients maintain their physical and mental wellness using technology. More information to follow.
Keep safe and healthy!